Welcome to 15 days of podcasting to celebrate the possible launch of Glory Revealed Clothing Co.! Please check out the kickstarter HERE. We are 25% funded and would love to bring hoodies back into your world again…this time with glory revealed stories surrounding each and every one.
Meet Stephanie “Honey” Holden: the new name behind one our designs!
She is a longtime friend of mine, and a beautiful soul. Her glory revealed story will inspire you… Nothing is too big for God to make beautiful. I hope you enjoy this extra Q&A and pictures of Stephanie’s early years and family.
Tell us about yourself…
My name is Stephanie. But most people know me as Honey. I’m a southern girl who doesn’t like sweet tea. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for 36 years who still gives me butterflies.
We have 3 daughters who are my legit besties, 3 sons-in-love who I think hung the moon, and 9 grandchildren who are the cherry on top of life. We’ve been in full time ministry for 25 years and being a pastor’s wife is the most unexpected blessing the Lord has called me to.
A glory revealed story comes from Romans 8:18:"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us." ...it's the idea that when you suffer, there is glory coming, you just have to wait for it to be revealed. You will see it come someday. God always makes beauty out of ashes. Share a little about your glory revealed story.
I’ve had many of these glory revealed stories in my life but the one I’ll share today takes me back to 1987 when Nick and I were both 16 years old and juniors in high school. I became pregnant and we thought we had ruined our lives. Little did we know how God would sustain us by His grace and give us a future beyond our wildest dreams.
How is God using your story today?
Against the odds, by His grace alone, Nick and I are not only still together, but more in love than ever. He has used our story to bring hope and truth to other girls, and often their moms, who feel despair and shame, reminding them that God writes the most beautiful stories even when a chapter or two is super hard.
Tell us about a recent time where you felt broken and you didn't see the good/glory AT ALL, but you were able to get through it because you know from your glory revealed story that good will come eventually.
Oh man, He has proven His faithfulness to me over and over again through the years. I suppose recently would be when Nick was first diagnosed with Leukemia. But we’ve already seen Him glorified in it. We’ve met people we never would have met if Nick didn’t have cancer and its taught me how to trust His plan on a whole new level.
If you could go back and tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
God’s version of your story is so much better. Just trust Him. I actually wrote a letter to the 16 yr old me years ago HERE
What is your favorite verse?
Oh goodness. So many. But if i have to choose one that has shaped how i live the most it would be Acts 20:24 “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” Anytime in life when i’ve lost my joy, 9 times out of 10, I’m making it about myself. This has helped me so many times through the years to live with joy and a contented heart regardless of my circumstances.
What is your favorite food?
Too many! We come from a family of incredible cooks. Food is our love language lol. Currently chargrilled oysters are high on my list.
Where is your favorite place to shop?
Just cut me loose in a thrift store. I was thrifting before it was a cool thing to do lol.
Any closing thoughts?
After suffering two tragedies in our family where we lost my dad and my brother both at extremely young ages, I have learned first hand we aren’t promised tomorrow. Its taught me to live each day to the fullest. I use the good china. I wear my best perfume, I don’t save the candles to light for a special occasion, and I wear sequins to the grocery store. Every day we’ve been given is the special occasion.
Thank you for showing up for DAY 1 of our new podcasting journey. I hope that the Glory Revealed stories you hear encourage inspire you.
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