Dear Friends:
There is a survey at the bottom of this newsletter and I’d truly love your thoughts.
Thanks for your time. xo
I came across some pictures today.
And they have really made me think. They are from June, 2021. One month before my dad passed away.
I don’t think I ever realized how unhappy I had become. I see it now, looking back at myself. There was no light in my eyes. I look tired and puffy. I had overall unhealthy body weight. I was working out, but it was one hour HIIT workouts a couple times a week that I think shocked my body more than helped it. I was drinking excessively. I was crying myself to sleep often, waking up almost every night in the middle of the night in a panic, praying to God to help me. My calendar was jammed packed with frustrating meetings all day, every day. My marriage was crumbling…my husband’s mental health was deeply spiraling with horrible, scary episodes happening almost monthly. My mental health was no better; the constant inappropriate emotional reactions to life that I engaged in caused my family to be sitting on the edge of their seat daily. Toxic. Our home had become horribly toxic. My employees were just as miserable as I was, and just a month after my dad passed, employees started quitting. I was reaching the end and was sincerely a shell of myself.
Thank you Lord I no longer live that life!
Looking back at these photos I am overcome with gratitude. Thank you, Lord. He saved me. He heard my desperate cries in the middle of the night and He answered my prayers. He decimated the business that was draining me of my light. He ended the marriage that was likely incompatible from the get go, and that was killing us both. And He held His hand out to me, setting my feet on solid ground while the world around me seemed to be swirling down the drain.
He saved me.
As I looked at these pictures today, I realized I would never have saved myself. I didn’t know how. There were parts of my life I truly loved and wanted to keep. But keeping them was hurting me. Sure, there was good, but the good was standing in the way of the removal of the bad, so it all had to go. And I am so grateful it did. I am free. I am alive. I am whole.
One thing I really miss is creating.
Evy’s Tree is dead, and can’t be revived, which is a good thing. I don’t at all miss the big business it became, but I do miss making something that brings people joy. I miss the creative process, the excitement and I even miss the risk a little. I am often approached to make hoodies again. My favorite factory is still there. The company that wanted to buy Evy’s Tree is still there. Support is still there.
But am I? Am I still there?
That’s been my question for the last year. Do I even want to try this again? For the longest time I said no. But the last month or two, my heart has started opening up again. Perhaps its the healing I’ve done. The understanding of where I went wrong and how to avoid those mistakes in the future are crystal clear. Maybe, now that I’m healthier, I could do it again…
Before I go any further in my thought process though, I’d love to know if people even want hoodies again. Maybe that’s not even a thing? I don’t know. But I guess I should ask…
If I did a couple small batch runs of some of your favorite old styles, would you buy one?
I’d love your thoughts HERE.
If this seems like something I might do I will circle back with some info. Please remember, this would not be Evy’s Tree. It would be something totally new. Still mulling things over. Praying. Talking to people. Getting info. Considering my options. So far, if I do this, it would be short term, just getting my feet wet. A couple of the most popular styles released over a handful of months in very small batches to test the waters. Nothing has even begun, so things are flexible, and I haven’t even said I’ll do it yet…so don’t get too excited! ha. But I’d love your thoughts all the same.
Thanks friends for your time!
As always, thank you for your love and support, I’m so glad you are here. If you feel these posts would help someone else going through something similar, please feel free to share them with your friends…