“The Fourth of July has never been my favorite holiday.”
I passed that statement to a friend last week in my effort to tell them I wasn’t really doing much on the 4th. They were surprised and asked why? It’s a fair question; one I don’t have an automatic answer for. I suppose that meant I needed to do some internal digging.
So I started digging…
We spent every 4th of July at our summer home in Lake Tahoe.
That sounds very bougie, but before you get too excited about it, you’d have to understand that our home was on the North Shore; which was a part of Tahoe that was very non-bougie in the 70’s and 80’s. Definitely not the Tahoe of today…. Upper middle class families bought up rocky, less than desirable lots and built what they could- many of the homes were old wooden shacks on stilts. My dad built our home with his own two hands, and true to who he was, it was lovely. He was a very talented builder. And we loved it. It was our home.