The following conversation is for all of my subscribers, paid and free. Most of my newsletters are extremely personal and because of that, they are usually for paid subscribers only. I hope you enjoy this open newsletter.
As I write this, I am listening to Christmas classics and getting ready to decorate Christmas cookies, a tradition we’ve done as a family since I was little.
My family Christmas cookie recipe is here.
The last few weeks have been interesting, to say the least. I am working on a job that is a little more demanding that most and with the busyness of the holidays I’ve been finding it a bit hard to juggle. In my previous life, we would just tag team or I would pay for someone else to do things, but now in my singleness and on my extremely tight budget, neither of those two things are an option.
It’s thought provoking.
Not because I don’t like my new life, because I actually really, really love my life right now…but because things are so different than what I thought they should be. If you had told me years ago this would be my life today, I would have been scared and panicked and had done everything in my power to make sure this didn’t happen.
Such a poignant reminder that none of this is actually in my power.
While at times the juxtaposition of my current life can make me sad, mostly it just makes me introspective. The truth is, no matter how bad you think things could be, you can be happy. Friends, I promise you this, God has been so, so good to me. Despite the loss of the my previous life, the financial struggle, the parenting pain {raising two teenagers on your own is no joke} and add in the surprises life can bring…I see the most beautiful daily glimmers and they carry me. I really am so very happy.
It just proves that joy is a choice. Happiness comes from deep within.
Sadness does come. Yes, I still cry at times. Sometimes a lot. And my heart and my soul will always have cracks that have been mended and filled, but every day I wake up thankful and grateful for who I am, what I have and the fact that God has given me another chance to live and breathe and to spread love all around me. I have learned so much about who I am. I have weathered some pretty intense storms and I am still standing. The resilience God has created in me is unlike anything I’ve ever had before. Furthermore, determination and discipline are welling up inside of me: determination to never live like I did ever, ever again, and discipline to actually make that happen.
The irony is, this is probably who I always wanted to be.
Isn’t God funny like that?
I want to personally thank you all.
So many of you have stood with me for many, many years and I am always blown away by the continued loyalty you give me. Thank you, thank you. Due to my said above tight budget, I have cut my Christmas card list way, way down to mostly family, so if you have been on my list in years past, but didn’t get one this year, please know it’s not because I don’t love you.
You are so loved.
Substack encourages it’s writers to offer their subscribers a discount over the holidays. It is a very nice gesture, and so I’d like to offer that to you.
All new yearly subscriptions from today to the end of the year are now $52 instead of $65. This is a great time to upgrade if you are on a free or a monthly plan.
I am excited about what 2024 is going to bring for this little publication.
A team of people have joined up with me to create some pretty great things next year, all focused on telling the beautiful “glory revealed” story - that good can come out of suffering. That you can be beautiful after a storm. That you might feel alone but there really is Someone bigger and greater walking next to you. Mostly, that you will be ok. Glory will be revealed in your life.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”
Romans 8:18
Merry Christmas to you all friends. If things look a little different this year, please know I understand. I’m there with you. But you have reason to smile. Sit with sadness if you must, but please know things will be ok. Joy comes in the morning. I can attest to that. It will come.
So much love. Amy xo
As always, thank you for your love and support, I’m so glad you are here. If you feel these posts would help someone else going through something similar, please feel free to share them with your friends…
Let’s talk! If you would like to discuss anything I’m talking about, or you simply have a thought, feel free to pop it into the comments! I’ll be monitoring them and will respond when I can. Hugs friends, and as always, I’m praying for everyone who reads this. xo
Merry Christmas Amy! I love reading your blogs. I have been through a lot of suffering in my marriage for years but this year God saved my marriage when I thought it was supposed to end. He healed my husband. I moved back home the weekend after Thanksgiving after 8 months of separation. God is good.